Monday, April 22, 2013

What is Rough Theater?

Man, if only I had recorded myself in class this day because I feel like I was spittin' some serious truth! So here shall be my attempt to recreate my various discourses. Wish me luck!

Rough theater is chaos. It is the sweat and agony and fighting and misdirection and madness and running around and disorganized nonsense that comes together in the end to create a final product that is truly art. Art cannot exist without the work that comes before it. That is what is truly beautiful about filmmaking and art to me, is that while the creative process may not be seen in the final product, as a filmmaker and a director, that process becomes the most rewarding part of seeing a final product. However, the final product DOES NOT EXIST without the work, chaos, sweat, tears and madness that occurs within the creative process to make art truly genuine.

Being in the production realm, I would like to think that Rough Theater comes into play quite often. Many times throughout the cosmic mess of a film production does the term Rough Theater apply. I think one of the most applicable for me was just a few weeks back. We were shooting a commercial for my COM 480 Digital Video II class, and rough was the without a doubt one of the best words to describe. A five hour shoot consisting of make up, costuming, set design, lighting, blocking, rehearsing, camera, sound and grip until we finally started rolling. What a hectic display of commotion and yelling took place. But in it and through it, I found art. And beautiful art at that. There is not a doubt in mind that the final product won't be sweeter having been through all of the craziness that was the shoot.

The bottom line is that to be a filmmaker, artist, storyteller etc. you must have a sincere passion for the creative process. Without that, you can never make true art.

Lovingly yours,

Connor Haviland Buss

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